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General Terms and Conditions

FME-CWM general conditions

Inside the Netherlands, the FME-CWM general conditions of delivery for the mechanical and electrical industries shall apply to our offers and to orders accepted by us. All tenders and contracts for the performance of deliveries by us outside the Netherlands are governed by the ORGALIME General Conditions for the supply of mechanical, electrical and electronic products (S2022) of May, 13 2022. Any other conditions are herewith explicitly rejected by us. On request we can send you a digital copy of the ORGALIME General Conditions S13/2022. 

Issued by the FME Association, deposited at the registry of the Court of The Hague on 13 May 2022 under number 13/2022.
©FME Association/FME Advocaten 2022 (

Please note. Only the Dutch text of these conditions is authentic. In case of ambiguities or doubts as to the meaning of a certain part or paragraph or differences with the Dutch text, the Dutch text will be decisive.

Algemene verkoop- en leveringsvoorwaarden voor de metaal- en de elektrotechnische industrie

Algemene verkoop- en leveringsvoorwaarden voor de metaal- en de elektrotechnische industrie short 


General terms and conditions of purchase

Our general terms and conditions of purchase apply to all our requests and assignments and apply to all agreements and legal relationships with ​DMN‑WESTINGHOUSE. Our general terms and conditions of purchase are filed at the registry of the Chamber of Commerce under number 28053301 and published here on the DMN-WESTINGHOUSE website.




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